We all love a declaration and a value statement, it’s an important part of building a cohesive understanding of how the work is done. Trouble is (and you may have come across this) we do a workshop, receive laminated copies of whatever was decided and settle in to watch the culture roll on regardless.

Studio Veld is only small and we’re pretty passionate about what we do, but we’re not immune from the gap between consciously chosen values and what happens when the pressure is on. There’s nothing wrong with aspirational values, but I think we all know that they don’t appear magically after lamination.1f

So we took a different approach.

We went through what our clients say about us and looked for themes and patterns to identify our values in action. We were pretty chuffed with what we found.

From these values, we developed a declaration that sums up our why and our how. It helps new prospects and new staff understand us, and reminds all of us of how we do business at Studio Veld. Because even the calmest of souls has the wobbles when 3 things are due on the same day, the trains are running late and a caravan of gremlins just parked in the code. 



Honesty from the very start

Kindness when things get hard

Patience with the messiness

Responsive when it matters most

Tenacious like a dog at a bone in a good way

Generous with our creative technical brains

We are here to:

We are here for the people who know and expect that beautiful design should also work. 

We are here for the people who have done extraordinary work and need help communicating it to the world, so they can make a difference.

We are here to help you navigate the murky depths of the digital world.

We are here to share the story of your business.

We do this by:

We care about the people we create for. 

We care about your goals and dreams. 

We understand the immensely important role we play in your business.

This is our recipe for delivering exquisite and functional cool stuff together.